Monday, March 14, 2011

Additional questions from poems(class X)

                    The Frog And The Nightingale
1. Is nightingale herself responsible for her tragic end ?
2. How does the audience affect the tragic end of the bird 
3. What is the moral of the poem ?
4. Describe how the frog had managed to exploit the nightingale ?
5. Why was the frog so angry ? Was the nightingale really 'brainless'  / stupid ?
6. The incompetent, rough and coerse people rule the competent, skilful and intelligent ones?How does the poet show this in the poem?

                     The Mirror: 
1.  What is the relation of the mirror and the woman ?
2.  How does the woman react when she looks into the mirror ?    Why ?
3.  Why does she not like the mirror ?
4.  How is the mirror like a God ?
5.  What message does mirror convey ?
6.  How does the mirror perform its functions dispassionately ?

                               The Rime of the Ancient Mariner

1. Why did the old mariners kill the Albatross ? How did this prove to be a turning point in the sailors' life?
2.  Why do they hail him as Christian soul.
3. Describe the role of Albatross in the poem ?
4. What kind of characters were his co-sailors?
5. Give a brief description of the ship's movement when pursued by the storm-blast. What happened just after that?

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