Friday, September 10, 2010

Cuti Pie

Work sheet (Class-X)
              Unit 2: Cutie Pie                           
    Answer the following questions:
     1. Who built the Questar? What was it?
2. Who are the ‘lowest minds on earth’? Why has the writer called
    them so?      
3. ‘Oh, he’s just too cute to live!’ the world said.
a) What is meant by the term ‘too cute to live’?
    b) How does this remark come true?
4. What was so appalling about the reality of Cutie Pie? What had he
        been dreaming of?
     5. How did Cutie Pie become a sensation?
     6. Why did the scientists keep him in a glass prison?
     7. What conditions did they create inside the glass prison?
     8.  How was Cutie Pie being tortured by them?
     9. Could Cutie Pie talk? Why/ Why not?
     10. Why couldn’t he communicate with his people from his prison?
     11. Why did his eyes seem ‘liquid to the watching world’?
     12. What were the physical miseries suffered by Ch-tsal?
13. What do you understand by ‘to lose his feathers was to lose himself’?
14. ‘Soon the pity soured’.
     a) Who pitied and why?
     b) How did the pity sour?
     c) What was the result of souring?
     15. Even though Cutie Pie had not been treated well by the humans yet he
             befriends a human baby. Give reasons.
     16. Why did he approach the baby only at night?
     17. Cutie Pie goes back to his home planet and tells his mother about his  
           experiences on the earth .Write what he might have narrated.
     18 Cutie Pie seems to be very intelligent creature. Give examples from
            the story to prove this. 
     19. How did the company of Christopher help in the revival of Ch-tsal’s
            powers and his rejuvenation?
     20. What amazing incident took place on one particular night and how
             did Ch-tsal react to it
             Extended Questions:
      1. Imagine you are one of the scientists who captured Cutie Pie from
            Quta Pi,the planet. Write a diary entry expressing your frustration
             how you failed to cure him of his sickness.
      2. You are Christopher and you have grown up now. Write your story
           describing your experience with the alien –
                 When I met an alien………..
     4. Cutie Pie gets back to his home planet but he is missing his beloved             
             companion Christopher. As Cutie Pie write a letter to Christopher
             telling him why he enjoyed his company.

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